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Virtual HR evolution and benefits | Zedtreeo

Virtual HR professionals provide services like: Organizing payrolls, Managing performance reviews, Reporting performance analytics, Get 24/7 support etc. For more information read here!


Organizations are using virtual HR professionals and relish similar services and attributes of an in-house HR team but at 1/10th of the cost. Virtual HR professionals provide services like:

  • Onboarding of new employees
  • Tracking Productivity & Performance of employees
  • Keeping employee records
  • Reporting performance analytics
  • Tracking new applicants
  • Offboarding terminated or retired employees.
  • Keeping time records
  • Organizing payrolls
  • Managing performance reviews
  • Maintaining employee satisfaction
  • Updating company policies
  • Implementing benefit packages
  • Get 24/7 support

Learn More: How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

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