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Average Salary in India: Factors and Comprehensive Comparion

India, recognized for its numerous and unexpectedly evolving economy, boasts a huge variety of industries that contribute notably to its overall income. The average revenue in India varies significantly relying on numerous elements together with profession, education, experience, and location. 


Understanding the dynamics of average income in India is essential for HR specialists, business proprietors, and managers. This guide offers an analytical view of the average salaries across numerous industries. 

What is the average salary? 

The average salary, in simple terms, is the sum of all the money earned by people in a particular group or location, divided by the number of people in that group. It gives you a general idea of how much money people typically earn in that specific group or place. 

For Better Umder standing  Let us see an example of a group of five persons in an organization for calculating average salary. 

Person 1: ₹30,000 

Person 2: ₹40,000
Person 3: ₹25,000
Person 4: ₹35,000
Person 5: ₹28,000 

To calculate the average salary, you would add up all these salaries and then divide by the number of people 

So, in this example, the average salary of this group of five people is ₹31,600. 

What is the Average Salary in India? 

The average salary in India is ₹3,87,500 per year or ₹32,840 per month. The average salary typically indicates the Standard of living. 

Salary Ranges in India 

Salaries in India range from 8,080 INR as an entry-level salary to 143,000 INR as the maximum average salary, although the actual maximum salary can be higher. This is not the minimum wage as per the law, but only the lowest salary recorded in an extensive survey by Salary Explorer with numerous participants, encompassing professionals from various regions across the nation. In India, the additional cash compensation averages INR 1,55,350 and it ranges from INR 75,000 to INR 3,10,419. 

What is the Indian Median Salary? 

Generally, the Median income marks the central point of the income scale. The median salary in India is 27,300 INR, indicating that half (50%) of India’s population earns below this amount, and the other half exceeds it. 

Salary Comparisons in India 

To understand the average salary in India, we want to consider various factors, such as profession, education, experience, and place.  Let us see how these factors can affect the salary trends in India. 

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By Education 

Education crucial component influencing salaries in India. In general, individuals with better educational qualifications tend to earn more.
According to the Average Salary Survey by FORBES, let us see the average salary by educational level 

Below is a comparison table displaying how education qualifications affect salaries 

Educational Level  Average Salary Per Year 
Doctorate Degree  INR 2,752,407 
Masters Degree  INR 2,126,111 
Bachelor’s Degree  INR 1,697,592 
High School  INR 1,153,703 
Below High School  INR 1,112, 499 



By Profession 

Profession plays an important role in the income of an individual in India. Different sectors have different pay structures based on their demands, supply, and skills requirements. 

Below is a comparative table of average salaries in some of India’s major industries, according to Forbes: 

Occupation  Average Salary Per Year 
Medical Professionals  INR 10 lakh 
Data Scientist  INR 9.5 lakh 
Machine Learning Experts  INR 6.9 lakh 
Blockchain Developer  INR 8 lakh 
Full Stack Developer  INR 6.7 lakh 
Product Management  INR 14 lakh 
Management Consultant  INR 11 lakh 
Investment Banker  INR 9.6 lakh 
Chartered Accountant  INR 9 lakh 
Marketing Manager  INR 7 lakh 



By Experience 

Experience is a big component that influences average salary levels in India. As experts gain more years of experience in their respective fields, their income potential typically increases. Below is a comparison table demonstrating how experience influences salaries: 

Experience (Years)  Average Progress (%) 
2-5  +32 
5-10  +36 
10-15  +21 
15-20  +14 
20+  +9 




By Location 

Location is a vital determinant of income in India. Here’s a contrast of average salaries in some distinguished cities: 

Location  Average Salary Per Year 
Mumbai  45,500 INR (552 USD) 
Bengaluru  60,583 INR (735 USD) 
Delhi  41,500 INR (503 USD) 
Kerala  32,666 INR (396 USD) 
Pune  48,583 INR (589 USD) 
Hyderabad  41,916 INR (508 USD) 
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Note: All the salaries are only for guidelines. Individual salaries may vary significantly. 


Average Salaries India vs World :  

Based on the country’s  Unemployment status, Standards of living and country’s overall economic  development rate, The United Nations classifies all the countries of the world as  

  • Developed Economies  
  • Moderately developed countries (Intransition Economies) 
  • Developing Economies 

When compared to Developed countries, the Average salary in India is approximately 150% lower. Moderately developed Countries like Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Albania and some other  Developing countries like India also have average salaries higher than India. 


This lower average salary trend in India is due to many factors like lower cost of living and the abundance of the talent pool in India. The cost of living in India is much lower than the other developing countries like the US, UK, Germany, etc. Also, lakhs of Engineers are graduating from nearly 4000 or above colleges. So the higher supply of engineers has lowered the demand for the engineers. 


Thus, by offering a larger talent pool at lower salary compensation to the companies India has become the most preferred choice for Multi-National Companies for outsourcing employees. 


So Outsourcing to India or other countries with lower average salaries has increased rapidly. However with the increased outsourcing also has many challenges like balancing the employee timings across different time zones of the world, tracking  Productivity, etc. 


Fortunately, for all the employee tracking and management challenges, Time Champ – Time and Productivity Tracker can be a great solution. With Timechamp,  Employers can easily keep track of their employees’ work times, activities, and productivity.  


Additionally, Time Champ also provides excellent features like project management, task management, location tracking, audio tracking  and many more features. Time Champ is an all-rounder solution managing onsite, remote employees. 



The average salaries in India vary considerably based on numerous factors, making it vital for people to consider their profession, Education, Experience, and Location while assessing earning potential. India’s economy is unique, with disparities in salaries throughout different industries and regions. 

When as compared to nations in different economic classes, India’s common income typically falls within the lower to middle range. Developed countries offer always higher average salaries, reflecting their advanced financial popularity. 

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That’s why India has become a popular and convenient choice of destination for outsourcing, which provides access to a qualified talent pool at considerably low costs for multinational companies. 

 Book a demo for more details about our TimeChamp and how it has changed the productivity of various organizations.  

What is the average salary in India? 

According to Glassdoor Report, the average base pay in India is INR 9,45,489 per year, and it can range from a minimum of INR 8,000 per month to a maximum of INR 1,43,000 per month. In India, the additional cash compensation averages INR 1,55,350 and it ranges from INR 75,000 to INR 3,10,419. 

Which job has the highest salary in India? 

What is a good starting salary in India? 

: What is the minimum wage in India? 

Which company pays the highest salary in India? 

What is the average salary in Bangalore? 

What is the Median Salary in India? 

How much does a programmer earn in India? 

How much does a doctor earn in India? 



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