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Opalescence Teeth Whitening

Opalescence ® is a proven teeth whitening treatment that eliminates organic stains on the teeth and significantly brightens the smile. Opalescence ® can be used with or without light activation of the gel provided at the discretion of the dentist. Opalescence ® is an exceptionally quick and simple treatment. Bleaching gel is applied to the teeth for around 45 minutes. Opalescence ® is completely safe and helps to protect dental enamel during treatment with added potassium nitrate and fluoride.

Why Should I Consider Opalescence ®?

Opalescence ® combines hydrogen peroxide that serves to whiten the teeth, with potassium nitrate that reduces sensitivity and strengthens enamel. This treatment can only be used on generally healthy teeth that are free from disease and decay.

There are a great many reasons why Opalescence ® is often preferred over other brands, including:

  • Minimizes tooth sensitivity

  • Promotes strong tooth enamel

  • Quick treatment times

  • Reduces risk of tooth dehydration

  • Proven results

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