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The Art Of Time Management: 8 Tips And Tricks For Time Management

For many international students, mastering the art of time management may seem like pulling a rabbit from a hat. Well, no longer! We have eight tips that will have you feeling like a master of time management in no time.
Utilize Technology
Technology is your greatest ally when it comes to mastering the art of time management. There are a number of apps and online tools that can be incredibly useful for time management.

The 30-30 Schedule, also known as the 30/30 app or the 30/30 timer app, is one of the most popular time management applications. The ’30/30 method’ is based on the theory that when you focus on a task for 30 minutes without interruption, followed by a 30-minute break, you are more productive. This enables you to accomplish more work while prioritizing mental rejuvenation.

Marinara Timer, Forest, and Flow are a few additional time management applications available. Determine which method works best by experimenting with several.

Adjust Your Priorities Accordingly
Choosing how to prioritize your tasks can be challenging, especially if you are juggling work, life, and school. Simple planning tools can be extremely useful because they allow you to view your obligations across all aspects of your life.

A semester planner is an excellent way to keep track of upcoming classes, assignments, and deadlines, as well as other life obligations such as work and social obligations. The ability to see everything at once will make it easier to determine priorities and deadlines. You can even get creative by classifying things as high or low priorities with color.

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Most educational institutions offer resources such as semester and weekly planners to help students stay on track. You can also find study planner templates on websites such as My Study Life.

Attend A Time Management Seminar Or Webinar
Many people require assistance in developing the skill of effective time management, and what better way than with the assistance of a time management coach? The most convenient way to learn from these experts is through a time management short course or webinar.

There are numerous inexpensive online time management short courses available. Nevertheless, free courses are always an excellent option for students on a budget.

Be sure to take advantage of all the resources your institution has to offer, as many education providers also offer short courses and webinars.

Understand When To Say No
In order to stay on top of tasks, it is sometimes necessary to decline other opportunities, such as invitations to social gatherings or extra hours at work. In the long run, being truthful about your study load and establishing appropriate limits will make you feel much better, despite the fact that it can be challenging at times.

Break Tasks Down
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a large project, try breaking it down into more manageable chunks. Mini-tasks could include completing a reading, developing a study plan, or creating a mind map to organize your thoughts.

Plan one- to two-hour study blocks and determine precisely what you wish to accomplish during each block. These objectives should be formulated as SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant/realistic, and time-bound). Reward yourself with small incentives when you reach your goals.

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Determine When You Are Most Effective
Are you a morning person, a night owl, or a hybrid? Everyone is unique; therefore, observe your habits and determine when you are most productive. You will then be better equipped to master the art of time management.

Change Up Your Environment
If sitting at a desk doesn’t work for you, try a different study environment! Study in a park, the library, or a café to provide yourself with a change of scenery. In a short period of time, you will likely feel more creative and productive.

Make Study Dates
Studying with peers can provide motivation and a sense of support. In addition, the ability to assist one another in comprehending course material can improve exam performance.

Moreover, if you struggle with procrastination, concentration, or motivation, committing to a study session with your classmates can help hold you accountable.

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